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Sunday, February 26, 2006

DAWN has entered pre-production

Welcome to this new and hopefully exciting blog which will contain the progress of the making of the Killer Bikini Vampire Films as well as my general comments on the life of a producer.

As the title of this entry states, Dawn of the Killer Bikini Vampire Girls has entered pre-production. This means that the script has been finalised and we have started to crew-up and filming is scheduled to start in only 3 weeks from today!

The basical plot of Dawn of the Killer Bikini Vampire Girls is that the vampires from Killer Bikini Vampire Girls 3: A New Hope hide out in a shopping centre. As you might expect, any homage to the two versions of Dawn of the Dead needs a shopping centre in order to work. As we dont have the budget to build a fake shopping centre, we have started the task of locating a large mall that are willing to allow us to film in their building - details will be posted as soon as it has been confirmed.

While the three characters of Raevan, Alyssa and Mercedes from Killer Bikini Vampire Girls 3: A New Hope will be returning, we do have other roles to cast and auditions are being held later today.

Personally I am looking forward to what will be an exciting experience making another film in the Killer Bikini Vampire Girls series.